Gabe Cain


The way my parents tell it, I was 2 years old in the living room of our home in Seattle when “The Lawrence Welk Show” appeared on the TV. PBS was broadcasting a marathon of episodes, each dedicated to the music of an early 20th century American Songwriter. I dragged my wooden rocking chair up to the screen and watched the entire marathon. I was hooked. Even as an adult, I still feel that childlike wonder when I listen, play, and teach music.

In high school I studied Jazz Guitar. I loved the playing of Wes Montgomery, Joe Pass, and Kenny Burrell. In my late teens, inspired by Andres Segovia and Julian Bream, I began studying the classical guitar. Through practice, I strived to develop an original and distinct style. This is my goal as a teacher: to help students find their own voice as a musician.

There are tools that help in this journey. The theoretical and technical knowledge that I provide helps students to achieve the ultimate goal as an artist: to express themselves with no limitations. Lessons help a guitarist get to a point of technical competence where they are able to play the music that they want to hear.

Email or call 508-839-4286
to schedule your no-obligation introductory lesson today!